Modern Knitting….a new spin on an old craft!


About Rachel Saiger

I keep track of news and trends related to knitting and yarn bombing. Aside from knitting, I’m studying e-media at the University of Cincinnati, and I host a show on Bearcast called TK

If you’d like your story or artwork featured on this blog, please contact me. I’d love to document the work going on around the world and post lots of stories.

Keep making the world beautiful!!

What I Believe About Yarn Bombing

I have been following and reading a lot about yarn bombing, which is art put up in public areas. I follow yarn bombers on Twitter and retweet whenever I find something with a good picture or story. I always encourage people to pick up some needles and give yarn bombing a try.

One of my favorite yarn bombers is Streetcolor. Check out this piece she wrote: “A Yarnbombers’ Code of Honor.” ( This post really summarizes what I believe about yarn bombing and the people who yarn bomb.

Yarn bombing leaves behind a piece of your personality. It makes strangers smile just because you want to spread that joy. Of course, every yarn bomber knows that when her art taken down, then it’s over, but if it’s left up, more people can view these labors of love and take away some sort of meaning, even if it’s just a laugh.

Coverage of yarn bombing is rarely negative. I agree that yarn bombing is here to stay, because it has really just begun to be discovered. If you want to find out more all you have to do is Google “yarn bombing,” “knit graffiti,” “knitfitti,” or “yarnstorming,” and you’ll get plenty of results. If you search for those terms on Twitter, you’ll find tons of curious people wanting to know what this crazy form of street art is.

I encourage yarn bombers to keep the artform going, and to encourage new people to try it. This is something we share with the world, and so far every yarn bomber I’ve interacted with has been supportive and very giving with their time. I love this community of people, and it is only growing.

For those of you who are observers, I hope you enjoy and post whatever you stumble upon in your town. Tell your friends and support the warmth that this art brings to our streets.

Thank you Streetcolor for being a great influence and role model, and thank you to the yarn bombers who keep sharing their art even when it is taken down. And of course thank you to our neighbors who see our art and appreciate it, even if only as a passing thought.

Comments on: "About" (1)

  1. Yay! An exciting new knit graffiti blog! Thanks for the link. Keep up the yarnstorming madness. 🙂

    Deadly Knitshade x

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